1st - 5th July 2024
This week, Class 1 have enjoyed their visit to Paxton House, especially the pond dipping and den building.
In Maths, we completed our unit on Place Value to 100 by comparing numbers with the same or different amounts of ten. On Friday, we are learning to tell the time to the hour. Next week we will be starting our Geometry unit, our final Year 1 Maths unit.
At the start of our History lesson, we showed off our amazing reading skills by reading together a short piece about some famous people who have visited Berwick and Newcastle.
In Music, we practised singing in different pitches and we started to learn how to sing one of our songs in two parts, learning the word 'harmony'. We then had fun creating a digital composition.
In Geography, we investigated seaside holidays 'then and now' and were amazed to see some of the differences.
In Art, we had another look at the Take One Picture of 'A courtyard in Delft' and then designed our own blue and white Delftware plates.
In RE this week, our focus is 'What might the story of Chanukah make Jewish people think about?'
24th - 28th June 2024
Thank you for joining us for our Key Stage 1 Sports Day on Tuesday!
It's been an unusually quiet week in Class 1 as we've had a lot of children off sick. On Wednesday we had 9 children in school!
This week in Maths, we have been partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones (e.g. 78=70+8) and exploring this practically with arrow cards and base 10 equipment. We also found the missing numbers on number lines and 100 squares. Yesterday, we looked at 1 more or 1 less than a number and started to learn how to exchange ten ones for a ten or a ten for ten ones to help find the answer to questions such as 1 less than 60 or 1 more than 89. On Friday, we are continuing our work on time with Mr Richardson by learning about hours, minutes and seconds.
In Geography, we have been learning about human and physical features of the seaside and looking at what we might find on the beach by sorting into alive/was once alive but now dead/never alive. We explored the meaning of the word pollution and its impact.
On Wednesday, we had a sports theme. In History, we learnt about famous Northumberland born footballers - Jack and Bobby Charlton and Lucy Bronze. Then in PE with Mr Crozer, we were learning batting, bowling and fielding skills before we had our own game of cricket.
In RE this week, we are learning about the Torah and the story of David and Goliath.
17th - 21st June 2024
This week, Class 1 really enjoyed our coding activities. Everyone was able to programme a Bee-bot to make it move around the track their group had created.
In Maths, we started our new unit on place value within one hundred. This week, we have been recognising numbers from 50 -100, counting in tens and recognising numbers where there are tens and one, e.g. 63 is 6 tens and 3 ones.
In Phonics, we focused on speeding up word reading and using the words from our reading books to write our own sentences. I am enjoying seeing just how confident the children have become with their reading. Well done, Class 1!
In our Literacy Tree writing lesson we learnt some more about 'Dadaji's Paintbrush'.
Our History focus this week was learning about George Stephenson, 'the father of the railways' and in Geography, we explored the life in a rockpool.
In our Music lesson, our focus was on pitch (singing higher and lower). We played a name singing game, practised our song, ‘Butterfly’, added counting in twos to our other song, ‘Bumblebee’, and then learnt a new action/call and response song called 'Come Dance With Me'.
In RE today, we were learning how and why Jewish people celebrate Shabbat.
We were also busy practising for our Sports Day. Don't forget that this is taking place next Tuesday, 25th June, at 1:30pm. We hope you will be able to join us.
3rd - 10th June 2024
In Maths this week, Class 1 started to learn about fractions. Everyone learnt very quickly that half means 2 equal pieces when it came to working with a partner to cut a cake in half!
We have been busy practising for the Year 1 phonics screening check next week. The children will benefit from another practice at home this weekend.
In Geography, we started our new unit on the seaside by comparing and sorting pictures of the coast, the countryside, and towns/cities. We also learned the meaning of the terms ‘rural’ and ‘urban’.
In Art, we have been observing carefully and applying mark making skills to draw a picture of a teddy bear.
In English, we enjoyed painting a picture inspired by our new book 'Dadaji's Paintbrush'. We named our artwork with split vowel digraphs and used a capital letter.
We enjoyed our movement and balancing Tuesday PE lesson and our Wednesday cricket session.
In our PSHE lesson, we discussed how we can help the environment. For example, turning the tap off when brushing teeth can save 24 litres of water. We also talked about picking up rubbish and recycling.
In Science, we have been learning about deciduous and evergreen trees and identifying and sorting leaves.
In RE, we were thinking about two big questions: What is precious to Jewish people and what does a mezuzah remind Jewish people about?
20th -24th May 2024
This week, we have been busy practising the sounds we know so that we are ready for the Year 1 phonics screening check after the half term break. In our English lesson, we completed our big write about our Power of Reading Book, ‘The Robot and the Bluebird’.
In Maths, we have been doubling numbers to 20 and grouping and sharing equal groups. In our Money work today, we are recognising notes. After half term, we will start to look at Fractions.
We finished our work on Pompeii by exploring how archaeologists found evidence of the people who had lived there. In Geography, we finished our unit on Rivers by continuing to look at the features on different maps and what happens if there is too much rainfall (flooding).
In Science, we looked at our bean experiment and discussed the results.
In PE this week, we worked in teams to make dens and in Athletics developed our throwing skills.
Today, we made cars in our D&T lesson.
13th - 17th May
Class 1 are working hard to review the sounds they know ready for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check next month. Year 1 parents are invited to a meeting next Thursday (23rd May) at 3 pm so that we can share more information about this.
In Maths, we learnt to recognise equal and unequal groups and were introduced to arrays. In our work on money today, we are learning to recognise coins.
Our Geography work this week involved creating a simple floor map of our visit to the River Tweed, with lots of lively discussion about exactly where each landmark should be placed! We also drew maps of an imaginary river, complete with a key.
In History, we have been looking at different sources of evidence about Pompeii and some of the artefacts that were discovered. Everyone was particularly impressed with the fossilised bread!
In RE this week, we continued to explore the Jewish faith with a look at the festival of Sukkot, and we attempted to create our own model sukkahs.
In Music, we worked on pitch with Frances, and in class we used the glockenspiels to accompany our new song about a cuckoo. This involved very precise playing of the notes C and E in time with the word ‘cuckoo’.
In PE, our Commando Joe challenge was to navigate the swamp to save the endangered alligator eggs. We had to work very hard in our teams so that we could successfully complete the mission.
In D&T today, we designed our moving vehicles.
7th – 10th May 20204
It has been a busy few days for Class 1!
In Maths, we started our Multiplication and Division unit and have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
On Friday with Mr Richardson, we started to look at money.
In Phonics, we are recapping all of our sounds in preparation for the Year1 Phonics Screening Check next month.
We continued our Geography project on rivers, drawing maps of our walk down to the River Tweed, as well as the route of the Tweed from its source to the sea, and our own imaginary rivers. Next week, we will continue our mapwork, looking at how we can include a key.
In Science, we started to explore different parts of a plant, and designed and set up an experiment to see the best conditions in which to grow broad beans.
In RE, we started to talk about Judaism by watching a short video clip about a child's visit to a synagogue and then looking for the special religious items we had seen in a nonfiction book.
In PE, we enjoyed our Athletics lesson by working in small teams to practice our running skills, and in Commando Joe's, we had to work in 2 teams to save the whale. This meant lots of listening and co-operation to successfully complete the mission!
In class this week, we have been working on our oracy skills. This involves looking at the person who is speaking, turn taking, making sure everyone has the chance to speak, listening without interrupting and starting to learn how to build upon what someone else has said.
29th - 3rd May 2024
This week, Class 1 have been using their investigation skills in History to discover what happened to Pompeii on 24th August 79 AD. They were very interested in how a volcano erupts, so we conducted our own experiments.
In Maths, we have been estimating on number lines to 50, and in Phonics we have been recapping the sounds 'are', 'aw', 'ur' and 'u-e'.
We enjoyed our Science experiments, looking at waterproof materials and which material is the toughest.
In PE, we made sharks in our Commando Joe's session and practised throwing and running in Athletics.
In PSHE, we were learning about how our mood affects others and about acceptable and non-acceptable behaviours. In Music, we started to learn a song about the days of the week in English and Spanish and then accompanied this on the glockenspiel, using the notes F, G and A.
Today, in our D&T lesson with Mr Richardson, we are continuing to explore wheels and axles.
22nd -26th April 2024
We have started a Geography unit on rivers. Last week, we made the most of a wet afternoon and focused on rain, looking at where it comes from, how puddles are formed and how they disappear. This week, we looked at the River Tweed, from its source to the sea. We enjoyed a visit to the river, where we thought about what we could see and hear on and around the river.
In History, we have been exploring life in Pompeii two thousand years ago.
In Music last week, everyone had a turn at making a digital composition and accompanying a song on the glockenspiel. This week, we created a graphic score and then played this on untuned percussion instruments.
Everyone enjoyed an energetic athletics session in PE with Mr Crozer, learning the early stages of long jump, hurdles and the triple jump. In our Commando Joe's challenge lesson with Regan, we made a wolf.
In Maths, we have been counting in tens to fifty, counting in tens and ones, and partitioning numbers into tens and ones. On Friday, with Mr. Richardson, we are going to compare volume and measure capacity.
We also finished our Art project by weaving our loom boxes, and in Science, we conducted an experiment to determine the absorbency of different materials. It has been a busy week!
18th -22nd March 2024
This week in Class 1, we used a number line in our Maths lessons to subtract numbers from 20.
We also explored near doubles (e.g. 5+4 can be worked out as double 4 plus 1 or double 5 minus 1). This has been tricky so we will keep working on remembering doubles up to 10 + 10.
In phonics, we revisited the Set 3 sounds 'er', 'ur', 'ai' and 'ow' (as in cow)
In Geography, we learnt to name and recognise the different continents on a world map.
In Art, we have been exploring thread - knotting and threading. We were sewing dream catchers!
In PE - we worked on footballing skills with Nicole and Tag Rugby skills with Dougie.
In Music, we warmed up our voices by singing in different voices (high, low, squeaky, scary, loud, quiet, thinking). We continued to develop our understanding of the difference between rhythm and pulse through a range of singing games. We sang the Easter song 'Hot Cross Buns' and started to use our hands and then fingers to help us work out if the notes were going higher or lower.
In Science, we were exploring the properties of everyday materials and for our Power of Reading book we looked at illustrating the Robot - what did he look like before his heart was broken?
In PSHE, we assessed our work about 'Being My Best'.
In D&T we decorated the felt puppets we made last week.
11th - 15th March 2024
This week, Class 1 have been enjoying Science Week with the theme of 'Time'. We have been outside to look for signs of Spring; we enjoyed a live NFU farming lesson with Farmer Fiona; we have explored friction with balloons; and we looked at how humans change from a baby to old age. Our jelly experiment yesterday involved timing to see how long it takes a jelly to set in different conditions - in the fridge, in the classroom and with and without fruit. We also started our new Power of Reading book, 'The Robot and the Blue Bird’, which links to our Science topic on Materials. In Computing, we looked at algorithms and the importance of instructions.
In Maths, we have been learning how to double numbers to 10 and next week we will look at near doubles.
In Phonics, we revisited the sounds 'o-e', 'u-e' and 'aw'
In Geography, we looked at how polar bears are adapted to live in the Arctic and in History we began to explore pictures of everyday life in ancient Pompeii.
In RE, we recapped the story of ‘The Prodigal Son’ and introduced ‘The Parable of the Lost Sheep’ and discussed their underlying messages.
In Music with Frances, we clapped the rhythm of the copycat song, learnt the new action song 'Baby 1, 2, 3’, starting at a slow speed, and learnt the next verse of 'Baby Beluga' with different children taking turns to sing different parts of the song and everyone else singing the answering phrase.
In D&T we are designing and making our puppets!
6th - 8th March
Yesterday, we enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day, our workshop with authors and artists Brita and Mick to draw wooly mammoths and also making our own books.
In Science, we were material detectives. We had to find objects made from different materials, with a challenge to find something made of more than one material. The winner was the Reckonrek which is made from wood, metal and plastic.
In Geography this week, we compared Antarctica with the Arctic and in RE we started to look at what Christians think God is like by exploring the story of The Prodigal Son.
In PE, we are loving our tag rugby sessions with Dougie Hall.
In Art, we explored the work of Judith Scott and her fibre sculptures. We then made our own versions out of sticks and coloured wool.
In Maths, we have been adding ones using our knowledge of number bonds to ten and finding and making number bonds to twenty. In Phonics, we revisited the sounds 'ea' and 'oi' and practised spelling words with these spelling patterns.
In D&T we are looking at different techniques to join fabric.
26th February - 1st March
Year 1 have been busy this week! Yesterday, the children enjoyed a visit to the story-telling workshop (postponed from the Literary Festival) with the author and illustrator Kristina Stephenson. We loved her book 'The Museum of Marvellous Things'.
In History, we finished our topic, ‘Toys,’ by creating a timeline starting with toys from one hundred years ago and discussing the differences.
In Geography, we compared Antarctica with the Sahara Desert and we looked at how camels are adapted to survive in the desert environment. Oskaras was able to add to our knowledge by sharing his recent holiday experience which included a ride on a real camel!
In Maths, we are looking at addition and subtraction within twenty. On Fridays with Mr Richardson, we will be learning about mass and volume.
In Phonics, this week, we learnt the sounds 'au', 'wh', 'kn' and 'ph'. This means we have now been introduced to all of the Set 2 and Set 3 sounds that we need to help us learn to read. We will now keep building upon this knowledge. Well done, Class 1, you are all working very hard!
In Music with Frances, we had to clap the beat at different speeds, clap our own name and find a name with a similar pattern. We learnt a new rhyme, 'Jelly on a Plate' and practised clapping the rhythm and then added actions. We continued to learn the song 'Baby Beluga' and focused on singing with the correct pitch and checking to see if our voices needed to go up or down.
In Science, we started our new topic, ‘Materials.’ We sorted objects into groups based on the materials they are made from.
12th - 16th February 2024
This week Class 1 enjoyed tasting pancakes with Mrs Dickson on Shrove Tuesday and thinking about things we love for Valentines Day.
We finished working on Place Value to 20 in Maths and then used this knowledge to work on the reasoning questions for this unit of study.
In phonics, we learnt the new sounds 'tion' and 'tious / cious'. They are tricky and need a lot of practice! We practised reading and writing words like ‘scrumptious’, ‘delicious’, ‘tradition’, ‘ferocious’, ‘suspicious’.
In Art, we finished our Painting unit with a short assessment to see what we could remember and in PE, Jack took us outside to play cricket rounders. We played in teams, learning new batting and fielding skills. In Regan’s lesson, everyone worked with a partner on dribbling and controlling the ball. Our Geography lesson this week looked at how penguins have adapted to survive in Antarctica.
On Wednesday, our PSHE lesson looked at the importance of practising new skills, learning from our mistakes and that it's ok to make mistakes. We decided we need to be determined and not give up!
On Thursday, we named and sorted the 12 months of the year and had a quiz to see what we could remember about the season of Winter in our Science lesson. We then wrote a class poem, inspired by our Power of Reading text, ‘Out and About’ by Shirley Hughes.
In our RE lesson, we started to learn the poem ‘In the Beginning’ by Steve Turner.
On Friday, we finished exploring Chinese New Year and also finished our Maths unit ‘Measuring Length’.
5th - 9th February 2024
On Monday, the children enjoyed bringing their teddy bears to school for our History lesson. We looked at the difference between old and new teddies and then we created a teddy timeline.
In Phonics, our new book was 'Snow'. We have been working on the tricky sounds 'ure' and 'ear' and practising reading and writing words with these sounds. In Maths, we have been comparing and ordering numbers on a number line to 20 and measuring the length of classroom objects with cubes.
In Science, we have been looking at how the weather changes across the seasons and learning a song to help us name the months of the year. In PSHE, we looked at hygiene and how to stop germs spreading. We made posters to put around the school. For children's mental health week, we talked with Jacqui about things we personally value.
In R.E, we recapped the Bible's creation story and listened to some thank you prayers. We then drew pictures of things we want to say thank you for.
Our Art lesson this week involved mixing and painting with primary colours to paint Clarice Cliff style plates.
In Computing, we used our growing mouse skills to draw shapes and we looked at internet safety with Mr Richardson.
29th January - 2nd February 2024
This week in Class 1, we started our new Geography topic about Antarctica. We enjoyed learning about Little Pip the penguin.
In Phonics, we learnt the new sounds 'ire' and 'ew' and found out that words like 'switch' have the sound 'tch' at the end and 'bridge' has 'ge' which makes a 'j' sound. We all agreed that the English language can be tricky!
In Science, we have been learning about animals that hibernate and wrote about how we can take care of our teeth after the talk from Leanne and Laura from Brucegate Dental Practice. We learnt about the importance of having plain water in our water bottles.
In R.E. we recapped our knowledge of the Bible's creation story by making our own small booklets.
In Music with Frances, we learnt that 'beat' is another name for 'pulse' and practised this with rhymes about a snail, a mouse, a spider and a cheetah. We had to keep the beat to ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ by tapping different parts of our body and then walking in 4 beats. Frances then introduced the term 'rhythm' and told us that this is different to the 'beat'. We practised by clapping the different rhythms as we sang. Our final song was ‘Humpty Dumpty’ which has a faster beat and we then clapped the rhythm. It was a busy lesson!
In P.E. we practised batting and fielding in our cricket game, and dribbling and shooting in our football lesson.
In Maths, we have been learning to estimate on an empty number line to 20.
This week has been National Story Telling Week so we joined the National Literacy Trust's webinar with the author Swapna Haddow who was live streaming from New Zealand. We learnt that although it was 10 a.m. here, it was 11 p.m. in New Zealand!
Thank you to our parents for joining us for our own story reading session on Friday afternoon.
22nd - 26th January 2024
We started this week, talking about the wild weather and writing some sentences to describe what we could see and hear.
In Science, the children enjoyed investigating how animals keep warm in the winter and telling you about this at the end of the day. We introduced the terms 'hibernate' and migration' and will explore this in more detail next week.
In PSHE, the children explored what a healthy packed lunch might look like and had fun with creating actions to describe the different food groups.
In Computing, everyone has practised logging on and then using a paint program to make a shape and fill it with colour.
In History this week we sorted toys into past (then) and present (now) and in RE we watched and then sequenced the Christian creation story.
In Phonics, we learnt the new sounds 'er', 'ai' and 'oa'. It is a pleasure to see everyone growing in confidence in their reading.
In Maths, we have been 'understanding 20', '1 more and 1 less with numbers to 20' and 'using a numberline to 20'. On Friday we are continuing our work on Length and Height with Mr Richardson.
15th - 19th January 2024
This week, the children have become much more confident at recognising the wild birds in the playground. We have seen robins, collared doves, a blue tit, chaffinches, blackbirds, wood pigeons and seagulls. We now know that male blackbirds are black with a yellow beak and the female is brown with a dark beak.
In Maths, we continued making 10 with 3 parts, e.g. 5+4+1=10. We have also been counting and partitioning 2 digit numbers up to 20. For example, 18 has 1 ten and 8 ones.
In Science, we did an experiment to recap our understanding of the sense of hearing and yesterday we continued looking at the season of Winter by investigating which materials will keep us warm and then recording the data.
In History, we have been finding out whether the toys we play with are the same as the toys our parents and grandparents played with. We enjoyed seeing the dolls Miss White played with when she was a little girl.
In Art, we made different shades of green by mixing the primary colours yellow and blue and exploring how to make lighter and darker shades of green. Finally, in PSHE we tasted fruit as we started to learn about different food groups and in Computing we practised logging on and using a mouse.
We are also continuing our D&T project on Moving Pictures.
9th - 12th January 2024
Welcome to the Spring Term!
The children have enjoyed telling us their Christmas News and writing about their Christmas presents.
In our phonics lessons we have been learning the sounds 'aw' (yawn at dawn) and 'are' (care and share). We read a book about dressing up and we are hoping to make our own box of dressing up clothes (all donations would be very welcome!)
In Maths, we started our new unit on Place Value within 20. This week we have been counting within 20 and understanding 10. We can make 10 with 2 numbers but this week had the challenge of making 10 with 3 numbers.
For our History lesson, Mrs Dickson brought the toy sewing machine she played with when she was six and the children asked her questions about it and the type of toys she played with when she was a little girl. She also showed them a photo of her with her toy dolls pram.
In Science, we have been recognising and watching birds and designing and making bird feeders for the Big Garden Bird Watch. The children have enjoyed watching the birds from our classroom window, including the seagull that pulled one of their bird feeders down and flew off with it! So far we have seen crows, collared doves, a robin, blackbirds, chaffinches, wood pigeons and seagulls.
We have also started to talk about Winter and looked at the trees outside our classroom.
In PE, we have been practising ball skills and incorporating these into team games.
In D&T, we designed a moving story book and plan to make these next week.
During our visit to the Hirsel Estate in Coldstream, the children were taught the importance of farming and looked at the environment in which food is produced. We explored, in a hands-on way, learning about how crops are grown and how they become the food we eat. We also cooked a healthy apple scone. Afterwards we went out into the grounds and woods of the estate to explore the outdoors and its biodiversity, developing awareness of the changes the seasons bring.
We have been extremely busy in class one this week. Our focus in art has been on looking at and understanding what the primary and secondary colours are.
In Maths, we have explored number bonds within 10 and looked for a systematic pattern to find all numbers for numbers within 10. Following this, we went from number bonds within 10 to number bonds to 10, demonstrating amazing mathematics!
We embarked on an adventure with Christopher Columbus on Tuesday, recounting the historical details of the famous explorer.
We wrapped up the week with our fantastic trip to the Hirsel, where we learned so much about the changing seasons and baked some delicious apple scones.
This week in Class 1, we worked very hard, writing some amazing recount work from our trip to The Hirsel and focusing on capital letters, finger spaces, and full stops.
In Maths, we began to formalise the concept of addition as combining two or more parts to form a whole. On the iPads, we've been enjoying the White Rose Minute maths app—which can also be downloaded at home. It’s free! Today in Maths we are going to start looking at 3-D shapes.
We have been learning team-building skills in PE and have built our ship. In gymnastics, we were learning how to balance and roll forward correctly.
In Geography, we located the school in aerial photographs and explored Google Earth. Computing this week was exciting, as we used our login and passwords for the first time!
Today, we are exploring art across different religions for Inter-faith week
Year 1 have worked so hard this week! The class were introduced to the subtraction symbol for the first time this year. We used it to solve missing number problems and gained confidence and understanding of what it represents.
In Music, we learned a new song that is linked to an amazing story called ‘Baby Beluga’; the children have enjoyed learning the lyrics and the story.
In class, we discussed our new book, ‘The Egg Box Dragon’. Please remember your egg box and junk for our egg box dragon making on Wednesday (29th November).
In History, we finished our journey with Christopher Columbus. All of the children had a great time dressing up and retelling facts about Christopher Columbus.
In Science, we have been learning about our senses. This involved classifying groups of fruits and vegetables and then tasting them; we tasted sweet fruits and sour lemons. The children really enjoyed investigating and being scientists. In RE, we are looking at what it means to belong to the Muslim community.
Class 1 did a fantastic job with Phonics this week! We introduced Set 3 sounds and read new pink books. We enjoyed reading ‘Scruffy Ted’ and talking about our favourite teddies. Please continue to read at home, as this is going really well!
No Pens Day was fantastic. We played maths games in groups, taking turns and asking relevant questions to broaden our understanding and knowledge. We had a Shrek karaoke vote in which we voted on who was the best allowing us to articulate and justify our answers, arguments, and opinions.
Our Power of Reading book at the moment is ‘The Egg Box Dragon’. We have been discussing and planning designs inspired by it over the past few weeks. Finally, this week, we made our own dragon models, which I think you'll agree were fantastic. Next week, we will look at writing all about our dragons.
We had an “emergency” in Science and had to assist Mrs Dickson with a “sugar and salt mix-up”! We had to use our senses as scientists to determine which jar contained salt and which contained sugar. We discovered that taste and smell were the most useful senses.
In RE today we have been exploring what it means to belong to the Hindu community.
This week, Year 1 have worked extremely hard. We wrote letters to Santa Claus. Everyone had to
remember to use capital letters and full stops in the right place. We also had to remember where we live - a link to our Geography lessons this half term.
In History, we started a new topic called ‘How Have Toys Changed?’ We looked at our favourite toys and why they are important to us, and some children brought in their mothers' teddies, which made it extra special.
In Computing, we have been using software on School360 to design our own artwork. The children worked very hard to create their own masterpiece and we are now transforming these into something special! Paxton House was magical; we thoroughly enjoyed the house tour and laughed at the potty by the side of the bed. The children were astounded by the size of the four poster bed, and some of them wished they had one at home! We looked at the old toys and were able to play with them, a good link to our new History topic.
Finally, Santa Claus (wearing green) came to visit and gave us a nice little treat. What a week,
Year 1! You are all incredible.
18th - 22nd December 2023
We’ve had an action packed last week of term!
On Monday we all loved Peter Pepper the Magician’s show. We laughed and laughed and were amazed by the magic tricks, especially the rabbit!
In RE this week we’ve been exploring why Christmas matters to Christians. We sequenced and retold the Nativity story, we looked at Christmas traditions and we sang carols in church and at school.
In Maths, we finished our unit of work on Shape by investigating repeating patterns.
In English, we’ve been writing sentences with the words we’ve been learning in our phonics lessons.
We really enjoyed our Christmas Party yesterday!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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