Just a little farewell to Class 4.
You all did amazingly well with the play today, it was the best you have done and Miss Short, Mrs Jeffry, Mrs Howe and I were very proud of you .
I am sorry we had to finish our year together in this way, you won't forget your last year at Prior Park!. However you have all grown so much this year and coped well with all the changes. I know you will be able to move on to Middle school with confidence.
I have put some work on school 360 and the website for you for this week. Keep an eye out on school360 for the play.
I wish you all the very best in future. Have a great summer holiday.
Miss Cowin
In our last yoga session we used all the items from the different weeks of yoga.
Using the things helped us to focus. Look out for the balance birds, a very popular item in Class 4. The expanding balls makes us think about our breathing as we make the ball grow and shrink. We even got inside the ball. The feathers were fun as we had to try and keep them in the air just by blowing.
We had activity cards for different ways to move our bodies. The pompoms were used to create a picture.
The children asked some great questions.
How long did it take you to write the book?
Where did the ideas come from?
Did you draw the pictures first or write the text?
We look forward to writing our own short stories after being inspired by James.
We learnt lots about the creatures in Zoolab. The trantula looked big but was really a small one. We wouldn't want one running round our houses!
How long is the piece of string? As long as the longest snake Medusa. Unfortunately Medusa couldn't be with us , so Harry the snake came instead!
Can you imagine snails as big as this one in your garden?
Class 4 had an RAF Space Challenge day.
They learnt how to make a rocket that they could launch using a straw and lots of puff!
They carried out 2 scientific investigations:
Does the angle of launch affect the distance the rocket travels?
How does adding payload to the rocket affect the distance it travels?
We had a great day and used many STEM skills.
Class 4 were investigating the best type of paper to use to make rotocopters.
The wall paper was the best although the tissue paper reached the ground first. However the tissue paper floated to the ground rather than spinning down.
Week Beginning: 1st March 2021
Hello Class 4,
Just one more week and then we can be back in school together. It will be lovely to see you all again.
Don't forget that this week is book week, so keep reading. World Book Day is on Thursday. Have a look at the World Book Day letter .
There is another Field to Fork activity for you to try if you would like to make oatcakes.
Follow this link to share some stories with your child https://www.worldbookday.com/share-a-story-corner/?dm_i=35S3,146M3,6TQG34,4AT20,1
Don't forget to sign up for Class 4 live lesson on Tuesday at 1:30pm.
Have a good week and I will see you on Monday 8th March.
22nd February 2021
Hello again Class 4,
I hope you all had a good half term break.
Hello Class 4,
I hope you all have a lovely half term you have all worked so hard. If you would like some half term activities there is a recorded story of 'The Iron Man' on your J2E 360 accounts, it would be good to have a look as this is the CLPE story you were working on this week. There is also 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' to listen to. Below is some information from 'Field to Fork' for how to make some 'easy peasey soup.'
The link is: https://youtu.be/azY6Dj3TfXE
Attached are a pdf giving curricular background and tips for managing how you might cook it with a class/group, and also the recipe.
Other videos this term have been:
Winter at the Hirsel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEAjj_5utgU
Feed the Birds: https://youtu.be/x60SH6RGTq8
Animals in Winter: https://youtu.be/iuJ1eLZWxsQ
Tree Shapes: https://youtu.be/QVEtL2NW0G4
Hopefully some more healthy eating and Fairtrade cooking on the way shortly!
8th February 2021
Hello Class 4,
Well done to all of you for keeping going with your home learning. Well done to all the adults who helped you too. Did you dress up in colourful clothes on Friday?
On Friday 12th February it is Chinese new year. It will be the year of the ox. Here is a link to give you some information about it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjkc92p/articles/zphcydm
On Tuesday 9th February it is Safer Internet Day. There is a live lesson on BBC Teach and CBBC at 11am.
Just another week then you can have a break for half term.
Don't forget to have a go at Miss Lee's science challenge.
Have a good week.
1st February 2021
Hello again Class 4,
I hope you are all keeping well. Well done to all of you for trying hard with your home learning.
Did any of you manage the music activity and make a guitar? If you have a photo of it remember to upload it to school 360.
Please remember to record the books you are reading on the weekly timetable in your work pack.
Here are some links to e-reading books available for you to read.
Reading Links:
Link to CLPE author reads:
Link to Oak Academy Library
Link to Oxford Owl Library
You might be interested in watching the National Aquarium'Deep Science ' lesson about underwater volcanoes.
Just google National Aquarium , Deep Science Lesson 1.
This week is Children's Mental Health week with the theme 'Express Yourself'
Here is the website for activities etc.
25th January 2021
Another cold week but at least the sun has shone sometimes. I hope you enjoy the English work on 'The Pugs of the North' You have a copy in your pack but I have also uploaded a copy on school360 and this website .
Have a good week.
18th January 2021
Hello Class 4, I hope everything is going well and you are keeping well and happy.
It was nice to catch up with your parents over the phone. Remember that if you are getting stuck on any of your work just leave a message at school and I will phone you.
Hello Everyone, I hope you had a lovely Christmas.
I am very sad that we will not be together in school for a while. Keep safe and happy.
Here is the timetable for this week. Remember to pick up the packs from school every Friday.
When doing your work please remember to put your name, the date and a title for each piece of work.
Work in columns for maths and number the answers correctly.
Welcome to Class Four's webpage.
We hope you enjoy looking at some of the work and activities we do in Class 4.
Class 4 have P.E. on a Wednesday so need to come to school in school P.E. kit. They will be given homework on a Friday to be handed in on the following Thursday. Spelling tests will be given on a Friday. The children have a day for their reading group and must remember to read the necessary pages and bring their book to school on their reading group day.
An important part of Class 4 is to become independent learners and remember to have our things ready for school on the correct day.
Things we need in school:
water bottle
reading book, on the correct day
The school book bag (no back packs please)
Spelling books.
Outdoor P.E kit (Wednesday)
The staff in Class 4 are:
Miss A Cowin- Class Teacher
Miss E Short - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Howe - Teaching Assisstant
Mrs Jeffery - Teaching Assisstant
Art Week
Class 4 used different mediums to produce some lovely work reflecting the colours of Autumn.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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