Nursery Class
Welcome to our class page. We will regularly update our page so you can see the fun we are having and what the children in Nursery are learning about.
Mrs Wright-Class Teacher
Mrs McLaughlan-Teaching Assistant
Mrs Howe - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Morton-Teaching Assistant
Mrs Wilson-Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Lee-Teaching Assistant
Mrs Currans- Headteacher (PPA cover)
Session Times
Morning session- 8.30 am-11.30 am
Afternoon session-12.30 pm-3.30 pm
We offer a limited number of places of 30 hour Provision
Water Bottles
Children can bring a named water bottle to class each day.
What we are learning this half term:
This term our topic is 'Food'
Here is a list of books we will be reading in class this term and if you wanted to read them at home or borrow them from the library, your child will quickly become familiar with the stories.
We have a library system in class where children can take home books on a daily basis.
Below is a list of the nursery rhymes and counting rhymes we will be learning in nursery this term.
Hickory Dickory Dock
Humpty Dumpty
Incey Wincey Spider
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
If Your Happy and You Know it
Five Currant Buns
Five Little Peas
Wind the Bobbin up
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Five little ducks went swimming one day
We're going on a bear hunt
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
One, Two, Three, Four, Five