Space Resources
If you were inspired by the launch and docking of NASA Spacex over the weekend here is a link to some space home learning challenges produced by The European Space Education Office (ESERO-UK).
The idea with the outdoor bingo card is you choose an outdoor activity each day from Monday to Thursday to try and make a horizontal line on the card. Eventually you could achieve a 'full house' if you continue with the activity over a few weeks.
Good Luck!
There is now a collection of resources on the Northumberland County Council website. The resources can be found at You will see a blue box on the right hand side entitled “Are there any home schooling resources?” These resources are being added to all the time and are worth a look.
Welcome to our Nursery class
Mrs Wright-Class Teacher
Mrs Matthews-Teaching Assistant
Mrs Lee-Teaching Assistant
Mrs Wilson-Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Simpson-Teacher (PPA cover on Thursdays)
Session Times
Morning session- 8.30 am-11.30 am
Afternoon session-12.30 pm-3.30 pm
We offer a limited number of places of 30 hour Provision
Session times for this provision are;-
8.30 am-2.30 pm or 9 am-3 pm
We have a library system in class where children can take home books on a daily basis. We also have a selection of rhyme bags which can be borrowed for the week.
This term our topic is 'Woodland animals / Gruffalo'
Here is a list of books we will be reading in class this term and if you wanted to read them at home or borrow them from the library, your child will quickly become familiar with the stories.
Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
We have a selection of rhyme bags which can be taken home on a weekly basis. Below is a list of the nursery rhymes and counting rhymes we will be learning in nursery this term.
Hickory Dickory Dock
Humpty Dumpty
Incey Wincey Spider
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
If your Happy and You Know it
Five Currant Buns
Five Little Peas
Wind the Bobbin up
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Five little ducks went swimming one day
We're going on a bear hunt
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer
Home Learning Activities
Here are some ideas to do at home.
This week start the 30 day lego challenge and let your imagination run wild!
Scavenger Hunt
Go outside into your garden and look for:
Good luck and have fun!
Miniature Spring Garden
Collect items such as, twigs with buds blown down, moss, lichen, fallen petals, small stones, flowers there are plenty of etc. Find an outdoor corner or fill a wide, shallow container with soil, sand or compost and design your miniature spring garden. Water it gently each day and watch the buds on the twigs burst into leaf.
Task-Design a Woodland Creature
In class we looked at the book ‘The Gruffalo’ and we talked a lot about what the Gruffalo looked like.
Now it’s your turn to draw your own woodland creature. Colour it in and then describe it to an adult.
Have fun!
Music Resources
Enjoy music sessions with your children to boost development and mood. Your children have regular Boogie Mites music sessions at nursery and they will love taking part with you at home. Boogie Mites are offering free live sessions for you to join at home over the coming months and access to the videos via their YouTube channel:
If you follow their Facebook page (, you will get updates on the sessions available. You can find lots more information about the benefits of music on their website and blog.
Link below for Week 2 Northumberland Learning Pack
A story has been written by Nortumberland County Council, ‘Belle and Billy Stay at Home’, which is designed to help children make sense of the current situation. A new chapter will be released each week.
Boogie Beat Session-Week beginning-30th March
We are back again this week.....
Wednesday 1st April at 1:30-2pm
FREE online session LIVE on my facebook page!
How do you join in??
**like my page:
** Register your interest on the event below
** tune in on our facebook page on Wednesday 1st April @ 1:30pm
All you will need is:
* a cuddly toy
* a scarf or a t-towel
* a musical instrument
Boogie Beat, Boogie Beat, clap your hands and stamp your feet!
In our science workshop we explored bubbles and made our own snake bubble blower. We experimented with the different properties of liquids by making sensory bottles (glitter bottle or a wave bottle). We used magnets to investigated which objects were magnetic and which were not.
We used made rainbow collections from our outdoor environment to celebrate the diversity of nature.
The children used the feely box to explore the textures of different materials.
Our last activity was a rainbow skittle experiment.
We were very busy scientists!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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