Welcome to the our website page. Please check this page regularly and you can find out what your child has been learning about in Class 2 and see the fun they have been having whilst learning.
Class 2 staff
Miss Caitlin White - Class teacher
Mrs Emma Hargreaves - Classroom Assistant
Please make sure all your child's clothes and belongings are labelled otherwise we will get into a big muddle! Please also make sure that your child has a water bottle, their book folder and a coat every day.
PE lessons will begin during the second week of term and will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On these days your child must come to school in their PE kit.
To find out about what your child is learning this term, please click the link below. If you have any concerns or questions please talk to a member of staff.
The children went on their school trip to Paxton House this week and had a fantastic time. There are
lots of photos on the school website and you can see the children gardening, pond dipping, den
building and having a lot of fun in the grounds of Paxton House. The children all planted an
amaranthus plant which they have taken home to plant. If they look after it carefully, it should grow
and produce beautiful trailing flowers. The children also worked with the artist James from Jag Art
82 and he set them a challenge to design their own Paxton Ted. Every child in Years 1 and 2 took a
piece of card home with the outline of Paxton Ted on it. If your child would like to enter this
competition, please hand entries to their class teacher by Monday 8th July. Every entry will have a
chance to win the fantastic prize of an Amazon voucher worth £20.
In design and technology the children have been finishing the cars that they have been designing.
The children have attached wheels and made sure they turn correctly and the car can move
smoothly on the ground. Next week the children are going to think decorate their cars and put the
final touches to their car designs.
The children all really enjoyed their Sports Day on Tuesday and it was lovely to see them so focused, trying their hardest and most importantly having fun. Over the next few weeks in PE lessons the children are going to practice a range of different skills which will help develop their balance, coordination and agility.
The children have also enjoyed some lessons outside in the beautiful weather this week. They have enjoyed reading and sharing stories with each other as well as singing outside in our music lesson.
In Computing the children have been working with Bee-bots this week and learning how to program
these bee-bots so they will do as they want them to. It has also been bike week and the children have had so much fun on their bikes and scooters.
In PE we are continuing to focus on our athletic skills in preparation for Sports Day on Tuesday 25th
June. The children are also learning how to play cricket and have been learning about the different
positions in cricket and the role each position plays in a game.
In Art the children have been looking at the painting, ‘The Courtyard of a house in Delft’ by Pieter de
Hooch and thinking about what this painting means to them. We have also looked two local
paintings painted by artists who lived in Berwick and thought carefully about what is being captured
in the painting and the story behind these paintings. The children are creating their own picture of a
courtyard and creating their own story behind their picture.
We have started our new maths topic learning about time. The children are fascinated by how
an analogue clock works and are becoming more competent each day at using an analogue clock to
tell the time. The children enjoyed making their own clocks and are getting very good at telling the
time. Keep practicing over half term!
The children enjoyed celebrating their 'No Screen Challenge' with Jaqui and Bev from 'Choices for Growth'.. It was a big achievement and the children deserved all the lovely treats.
In Science the children have continued to monitor the growth of each bean seed to see which plant
grows the fastest and which growing conditions are best for germination and growth. The children
were surprised to find the bean seed in the dark has grown more than the seed in the light but it has
grown tall, with no colour.
In Design and Technology the children have been thinking about why we have wheels and why they
are so important in our world. The children looked at the importance of how a wheel is structured
and the different features wheels have and the surrounding axles which play such a vital role.
In Science the children have continued to learn about plants and have been looking at the different
bean seeds they planted last week, each with different growing conditions. The children are
monitoring the growth of each bean seed to see which plant grows the fastest and which growing
conditions are best for growth. The children have also been thinking about which plants they would
like to grow outside their classroom and have begun to plant some flowers in the raised beds
outside their classroom.
The children have started to learn about drawing in different mediums in art. This week the children
have been drawing with charcoal and have been experimenting with mark making in charcoal and
exploring different textures that can be created with charcoal when drawing..
In class we have continued to improve our athletic skills outside in the sunnier weather and have
also been working as part of a team to solve problems. Working as part of a team is very important
and the children are learning how important it is to listen to each other if they are going to solve a
problem together.
In Science the children have started their new topic learning all about plants and have taken on the
role of botanists, learning to identify different plants and thinking about what they need in order to
grow successfully. The children looked at plants in the school grounds and have been thinking
carefully about what they think a plant needs to grow and flourish. The children have set up a
science experiment in class and outside to see if their predictions about exactly what a plants needs
to grow are right. We also hope to visit the allotments in Berwick this term to see lots of different
plants growing there and talk to the gardeners who are growing them.
The children have finished their design and technology projects this week and have worked hard to
design and make their own individual puppet. The children are very proud of the puppets that they
have made
In Geography, the children have begun to learn about rivers and on Thursday the children went to
look at our local river, the River Tweed. It was great to see the River Tweed flowing into the North
Sea and the salmon boats, cobles beginning their fishing season. The children have learnt about the
source of the River Tweed in the Lowther Hills and looked at its 160 kilometre journey to the mouth
of the River Tweed into the North Sea.
This term we are focusing on improving our athletic skills in preparation for Sports Day next half
term. This week the children have been practicing their jumping skills.
The children in Key Stage have enjoyed a trip to the Hirsel Estate in Coldstream to look at the seasonal changes that have taken place on the farm and estate. They have also been thinking carefully about how important it is to know where our food comes from and used some of the farm ingredients to make delicious pizzas to take home.
The Key Stage 1 children have had a fantastic football afternoon, demonstrating the skills they have learnt this half term in football lessons. The children were very lucky that the captain of the Hibernian Women's team, Joelle Murray, came to watch and referee their games. It was a brilliant afternoon!
This week in art, the children have been trying hard to master a number of techniques used in
crafting such as threading beads and plaiting threads together. It proved to be very difficult and the
children had to persevere and Mrs Hargreaves has had to be very patient!
The children have also begun to think about Easter this week and what Easter means to them and
their families. As a class we have talked about Easter as a time of new life and the children have
been noticing the changes happening in our school grounds such as daffodils growing and blossom
beginning to grow. The children looked at daffodils carefully and painted pictures of daffodils using
watercolours. They looked carefully at the shape of the daffodils and the colours they could see.
Their paintings have been made into beautiful Easter cards that they are very proud of and they are
beautiful. In class we have also started reading a story, ‘The Country Easter Bunny and the golden
shoes’ by Du Bose Heyward.
In art this week the children have been learning about the American artist Judith Scott who creates
art through wrapping objects in different ways with a variety of different materials. The children
have been wrapping sticks from Spittal beach this week and were very proud of their creations
which they will continue to work on next week. They have chosen materials and colours they like
and thought very carefully about their designs.
The children enjoyed taking part in World Book Day and meeting the authors Brita Garnstrom and
Mick Manning. The children have read lots of their books, both non-fiction and fiction and have been
inspired to write their own books. Some of the children in class went to visit the residents of Hillside
Lodge who were also celebrating World Book Day and shared some of their favourite books.
In PSHE this week the children acted out different scenarios and thought about how our actions and
comments can affect each other and how important it is, to think before we act and speak.
Both football and rugby lessons have been a lot of fun this week and the children are excited about
focusing on these sports and improving their skills.
In Design and Technology the children have been looking at different crafts and in their diaries is a
request for every child to bring a box to school which they are going to use to weave in.
The children also attended a storytelling event in the Guild Hall on Thursday as part of the Berwick
Literary Festival. It was a fantastic performance by the illustrator and author Kristina Stephenson
who brought to life her book, ‘The Museum of Marvellous Things’.
Finally, on Friday the children took part in an RAF STEM Lego robotics workshop. The children learnt so much and managed to all build and program a helicopter!
This week the children have been thinking carefully about where all of our food comes from and the
journeys that food makes in order to get to our homes. The children learnt about a cheese farm in
Devon that exports its cheese to lots of faraway places, including Australia. The children have
mapped the journey the cheese makes from Devon to Australia. The children love looking at maps
and this week we have spent time looking at World Maps and locating countries, especially countries
that are relevant to children in our class and plotting them on our large class world map.
Then on Thursday, Sally came to visit the class from the Field to Fork in Coldstream. Sally came to
work with the children and spoke to the children about the importance of Fair Trade in food trading
and how important this is. The children also enjoyed making fair trade baked chocolate bananas with
Sally and they were delicious.
This week, the children have loved doing PE outside and were able to enjoy more space to move and
practice their ball skills. Next term the children are going to be working on both their football and
rugby skills in PE lessons.
The children have finished their design and technology projects this week and were very proud of
their moving story books that they made.
Class 2 learnt a great deal from the dental nurses that came in from Brucegate Dental Practice and they are all trying hard to make sure they look after their teeth properly.
This week the children have also been thinking carefully about the properties of different materials and which particular materials are suitable for certain uses and products. They had another visit from Scout the dog and they then designed a dog walking and exercise field thinking carefully about what was required and the suitability of different types of materials that they would use. Their designs were creative and looked like that the dogs would have a lot of fun.
National storytelling week has been enjoyable and we have read lots of our favourite stories and some new stories. The children loved having their parents in to share their special stories with.
This week the children have been busy planning exactly how their moving storybook is going to look. They have planned and designed each part of the book, ready to make it over the next few weeks. The children have also been practising their ball control skills and listening to their team members.
The children have enjoyed watching the birds feed this week on the birdfeeders that they made last
week. The children have been learning all the different bird names and are getting very good at
recognizing the different bird species and enjoyed taking part in the RSPB birdwatch.
The children have also enjoyed mixing primary colours and mastering how to log onto a computer independently. This is not easy!
The children were all happy to come back together in 2024! They have been singing, practising their ball skills and learning about what we should do to look after birds. The children had great fun designing and making their bird feeders to hang outside.
Merry Christmas from everyone in Class 2! The children have enjoyed making their Christmas crafts, eating their Christmas lunch and having fun at their Christmas party.
The children started the week thinking about why we celebrate Christmas and how it all began. The
children have been reading the Christmas story and we have begun our countdown to Christmas
with our Advent calendars and candle. Every day, we light our Advent candle in class and enjoy a
Christmas story.
The children have all written their letter to Santa and they have made sure that they have told him
where they live and any other special instructions that he may need for a smooth delivery!
The children have worked hard in PE this week and have completed all their missions with
Commando Joe based around the explorer Ranulph Fiennes. The NUFC coach, Jack who has been
working with Class 2 on these missions has said they are now ready for a Christmas mission. In
gymnastics the children have been working hard at perfecting their forward rolls and balancing skills.
The children had a fabulous time at Paxton House with Year 1 on Thursday afternoon to learn about
Christmas in years gone by and to look at how toys have changed over the years. The children
enjoyed a tour around Paxton House and we thought about how Christmas would have been
celebrated in the years gone by. The children also had a very special visitor.
The children spent a great morning with Sally from Field to Fork on Thursday learning about the
history of farming during World War 2 and how the crops were planted and harvested to feed our
country. The children looked at what a ration pack would be like and created their own wartime pie,
a Woolton pie made from vegetables from the farm.
In PE this week the children have been putting their gymnastic skills together to create a small
performance and in Commando Joe’s the children enjoyed working as a team to problem solve a
task involving getting an object from one end of the room to another without touching it.
The recorders are coming home with the children this weekend and in music the children have been
learning to play the note ‘B’ correctly. They must have their left hand at the top and cover the back
and first hole only.
In maths this week the children have been learning about fact families and how through addition
and subtraction, numbers are related. For example 16 can be up of 9 and 7 so the fact families would
be as follows, 9 + 7 = 16, 7 + 9 = 16, 16 – 7 = 9 and 16 – 9 = 7. Please try making fact families at home
with your child.
In art this week, the children have been looking at the three primary colours and they enjoyed mixing the primary coloured dough together to make different colours.
In geography we have enjoyed using Google Earth again and located our school on the map and then
looked and named the human and physical features that surround our school in the local
environment. The children have enjoyed locating different places on the map of United Kingdom
and in class we have been tracking Vernon Kay on his ultramarathon journey for Children in Need
across the United Kingdom from covering over 100 miles.
In computing we have been learning how important it is to log on and remember and keep our own
logins safe.
In PE this week the children have been perfecting their balancing and rolling skills in gymnastics.
They have been persevering at skills they sometimes have not found easy. In our other PE lesson we
have continued to develop our team building skills and have built a boat together.
The children have enjoyed a busy week at school and have been working hard in all subjects. It was
lovely to hear about all they had been up to and we talked about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate
Bonfire Night on the 5 th November. We also discussed the importance of staying safe when near
fireworks and sparklers.
At the beginning of the week the children tackled addition number bonds to 10. The children are
working hard to become fluent at recording and solving problems with these number bonds. The
children loved using the White Rose App. (free to download) to test their mathematical knowledge.
Please download this free app for your child to enjoy at home. Be warned, it can get quite
competitive! We will continue to look at number bonds next week.
In PE, the NUFC coaches are going to be teaching the children to develop their communication,
leadership and teamwork skills through the Commando Joe’s programme, focusing on the
adventurer Ranulph Fiennes and his amazing achievements. The children will also be developing
their gymnastic skills and learning new gymnastic skills.
This week we have also learnt about why we celebrate Remembrance Day and the importance of
never forgetting all those involved in wars. We also looked in particular at the role animals played in
the war especially pigeons, horses and dogs. We joined a live lesson with the Blue Cross who told us
all about the different roles the animals played and the amazing things they did that saved so many
Then we finished our week with a trip to the Hirsel Estate in Coldstream. We had so much fun
looking for seasonal signs, harvest and using the local produce to make delicious apple scones.
This week Class 2 have been learning about counting in 3s. This is even trickier than counting in 2s,
5s and 10s!! Please practise counting on from different numbers such as 17, 19 and 23 in 2s, 3s, 5s
and 10s. It is not easy.
In Science, the children have worked very hard this half term learning all about animals including
humans and they have learnt a great deal. This week we have enjoyed testing our knowledge on this
subject to make sure that it is secure and we are using the right vocabulary.
Halloween has been a theme this week and the children learnt a song and game about a witch in
music. The children also enjoyed a problem solving challenge where they had to make brooms for
the witches of different lengths.
In PE the children enjoyed a very competitive game of dodgeball where they had to use all their ball
skills that they have learnt and practiced this term. Next term the children are going to learning
gymnastic skills.
In Artsweek this week, the children have looked at the artists Ben Wilson and Carl Warner. Ben
Wilson who enjoys painting outside, paints old bits of chewing gum in order to make something that
is not very nice, nice. The children enjoyed chewing their own gum and then painting miniature
pictures on their own piece of gum. They were very pleased with their finished products. Carl
Warner make art from pieces of food. When we first looked at his pictures we thought that they had
been painted but when we looked more closely, we could see his creation was all made from food.
This week Class 2 have continued to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Please help your child to do this at
home counting forwards and backwards and starting from a range of different numbers so that they
become fluent at this.
In Science, the children are very good at explaining what animals, including humans, need to do in
order to stay fit and healthy. The children have learnt about why it is important to exercise and
discussed the different types of exercise they enjoy doing.
In Religious Education, the children have been learning about why we celebrate Harvest and the
importance of being grateful for everything that we have.
The children were all very pleased with their windmills that they have built and they worked hard to
make sure the structure was sturdy with a strong axle and turning turbine.
The children are working hard to improve their handwriting so it is not too small and not too big!
They are also trying to make sure the words in their sentences are correctly punctuated and make
This week Class 2 have enjoyed their history lesson and had remembered a great deal about what
they had learnt in our last history lesson about the fate of Charles. Poor Charles had been sent to
prison for accidentally killing a messenger pigeon on Boxing Day and the children learnt why it was
such a punishable offence to accidentally kill a messenger pigeon and how important messenger
pigeons were, all those years ago. The children have been learning about all the different ways
people used to communicate before mobile phones and the internet. The children learnt about how
people used to send telegrams with important messages and how these messages were so
expensive to send so they had to be short with the word ‘stop’ at the end.
In Science, the children are very good at explaining what animals, including humans, need to survive
and this week they have been learning about how important it is to eat the right food and have a
balanced diet. The children were very excited to welcome a puppy, Scout, into their class and made
sure they looked after him properly and kept him safe and entertained.
In Computing, the children have been learning about staying safe online and what to do if they do
not feel safe.
The children are working hard to make sure all their sentences are well presented, correctly
punctuated and make sense.
In maths we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children will continue looking at this
next week and making sure they can count on from any number and go backwards in multiples of 2,
5 and 10.
In school this week the children in Class 2 have been thinking about what animals, including humans
need to survive. The children were very good at talking about the animals they have at home and
what they have to do to look after these animals to ensure they survive and have a happy life.
In geography the children have been exploring maps of the United Kingdom and learning about the
four countries that make up the United Kingdom; England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
The children all looked carefully at maps of the United Kingdom and became real geographers,
labeling their own map correctly. The children have made sure all country names are spelt correctly
and have looked also at the seas and oceans that surround the United Kingdom.
On Wednesday we joined a live lesson being streamed from The Jewish Museum in London to learn
about the festival of Sukkot that the Jewish people are currently celebrating. The live lesson was so
interesting and we learnt all about why the festival is celebrated and how the Jewish people
celebrate with symbols and traditions to remember what happened in the past when Jews were
released from slavery in Egypt.
The children were very happy to get their windmill designs out again and continue building the
structure of the windmill to house the little mouse. The children had to make sure that they cut their
windmill pieces accurately and joined them together carefully so that their structure would stand.
In school this week we have had a focus on local history and Class 2 were lucky enough to have
Grace Darling as their local history topic to focus on. On Tuesday the class watched a short film all
about Grace Darling and looked at lots of different artefacts related to Grace Darling. The children
have been so interested to find out new facts about Grace Darling and what happened all those
years ago. The children drew beautiful portraits of Grace Darling and pictures of the event. Each
child made their own timeline of what happened all those years ago in the middle of the night on
the 7 th September 1838 when Grace braved the storm with her father and rescued nine people from
the SS Forfarshire ship. The children looked at local maps of the area and imagined what it would
have been like to live on the Farne Islands all those years ago. The children learnt lots of new facts
about what happened and loved the fact that Queen Victoria gave Grace £50 which we were worked
out would be worth just over £14,000 today!
In maths the children have been looking at counting in 10s and positioning these numbers on a
number line correctly. The children have been looking at lots of different number lines with different
starting points, end points and midpoints as well as a variety of different intervals. We will continue
looking at number lines next week and maths homework on Monday will be based on number lines.
In computing this week we have looked at the technology that surrounds us and thought about how
useful it is and how it is supposed to make our lives easier!
The children also enjoyed this week their first music lesson with Ms Ord and began to learn some
new songs and singing techniques. The new songs include taking their voices for a singing walk and a
penguin song with movement alongside it.
Class 2 have settled very well into their new class and their new work regime! The children have
started learning about animals including humans in science. They have looked carefully at the
offspring of different animals and how they vary. The children have also been learning about the five
different animal groups, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish and what makes each of
these groups special.
This term the children have two NUFC coaches, Regan and Nicole working with them and they are
focusing on improving their ball skills. This week they have focused on improving their underarm and
overarm throwing. Dodge ball Club starts next Tuesday after school and the children are looking
forward to this club.
In geography Class 2 are learning about where they live and have been looking carefully and
understanding the different human and physical features that are in our local area. The children are
now very good at giving definitions of human and physical features and examples of these features
that they can see in our local town.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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