Hello Class 3,
I hope you are all well. We have one week of home learning before the summer holidays. Please complete it and upload it to your school 360 account so I can see all of your hard work, you can even leave me a note in your learning conversation to let me know how you are getting on.
Below is the timetable for the week and resources for Tuesdays learning. I will upload resources daily to support your learning.
Please remember to use Rising Stars for reading, you have a selection of books to choose from. If you have phonics every morning there is a phonics timetable for set 2 and set 3 sounds on your school 360 account, there is a speed sound, spelling, red word and hold a sentence lesson to complete daily.
I look forward to hearing from you all,
Miss Lee
Welcome to our class page. Please take the time to have a look at what your child has been learning in class. As you can see we have been working hard and having lots of fun.
The staff in Class 3 are:
Miss Lee- Class Teacher
Mrs Farnaby- Teaching Assistant
Mrs McLaughlan- Teaching Assistant
Mrs Robertson- Teaching Assistant
Every Wednesday the children will have a PE lesson. This means they should come in to school wearing correct PE kit. This includes PE shorts or joggers, trainers, the red prior park PE t-shirt and a school jumper. Where possible most PE lessons will take place outside. We will not be going swimming this half term; we will keep you updated if anything changes.
Here is a list of belongings your child needs to bring to school:
Their red book bag (no backpacks)
Their spelling book
Their times table book
Their reading book and reading record
Their water bottle
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.
Week Beginning 1st March 2021
Dear Class 3,
You are nearly there this is your last week of home learning and you have all done brilliantly.
Remember to log onto your School 360 account so that you can upload your completed challenges and keep reading every day. I would still like a completed pack returned this week so please continue to work hard.
On Wednesday it will be our last live story session. It would be lovely to see all of you before we return to school. I will be reading a story from 1:00pm.
On Thursday it is World Book Day, remember to follow the instructions Miss White has emailed out. I look forward to seeing all of you dressed up and completing some of the activities.
Follow this link to enjoy some stories with your child https://www.worldbookday.com/share-a-story-corner/?dm_i=35S3,146M3,6TQG34,4AT20,1
Have a good week,
Miss Lee
Week beginning 22nd February
Hello Class 3,
I hope you have had a lovely half term, you earned that well deserved break from homeschooling.
Hopefully we won't have much longer before we are back together in school but in the meantime I have attached this weeks timetable below. Please make sure you are reading everyday and practising your spelling and handwriting.
You all know how to use 360 so I would really like to see some photographs of the weekly challenges being uploaded to your accounts. You will find the challenges at the bottom of your timetable. Well done to those of you who completed the weekly science challenges, I am very impressed.
I really enjoyed sharing a story with some of you on google meet before half term. If you missed out don't worry I plan on sharing another story with you all on Wednesday at 1:00pm. If you would like your child to listen to the story you need to make sure you have emailed your consent to admin@tppfs.co.uk. Once you have emailed consent use the instructions that were sent to access google classroom. To join our class you will need a class code which you will find in your emails. I look forward to seeing some of you on Wednesday for another story.
Your timetable is attached below. As always if you need any help or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.
Look after yourselves and stay safe,
Miss Lee
Hello Class 3,
I hope you all have a lovely half term you have all worked so hard. Thank you to those of you who joined our live story session it was lovely to see you all. If you missed out don't worry we will do another after half term. If you have any problems accessing Google Classroom please contact school and we will be happy to help.
If you would like some half term activities there is a recorded story of 'The Iron Man' on your J2E 360 accounts, it would be good to have a look as this is the CLPE story you were working on this week. There is also some information below from 'Field to Fork' for how to make some 'easy peasey soup.'
The link is: https://youtu.be/azY6Dj3TfXE
Attached are a pdf giving curricular background and tips for managing how you might cook it with a class/group, and also the recipe.
Other videos this term have been:
Winter at the Hirsel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEAjj_5utgU
Feed the Birds: https://youtu.be/x60SH6RGTq8
Animals in Winter: https://youtu.be/iuJ1eLZWxsQ
Tree Shapes: https://youtu.be/QVEtL2NW0G4
Hopefully some more healthy eating and Fairtrade cooking on the way shortly!
Week beginning 8th February
Hello again Class 3,
I would just like to say well done for keeping up with your home learning. You are all working so hard.
On Tuesday it is 'Safer Internet Day' please click on the link below for activities and ideas to support this. You could also login to your 360 account, click on resources and then Busy Things to complete an assignment set around staying safe online.
Last week, at the bottom of your timetable I set a 360 challenge, I would love to see the photographs from that activity uploaded to your account.
Remember to record in your packs what you are reading each week. There is also a section on your timetable to record what you have learned each lesson. Please remember to fill this out at the end of every lesson you do.
Also look out for my weekly science challenges, you can find them on your 360 account. Remember if you complete all five there may be a prize at the end.
Your timetable is attached below. As always if you need any help or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.
Look after yourselves and stay safe,
Miss Lee
Week beginning 1st February
Hello again Class 3,
I would just like to say well done for keeping up with your home learning. You are all working so hard.
This week is 'Children's Mental Health Week' please click on the link below for activities and ideas to support this. We have also decided as a school to support the theme 'Express Yourself', on Friday we are asking that everyone wears bright coloured clothes. You can upload photographs of yourself in your bright colours to your 360 account. I will put the photos on the class website so we can see each other dressed in our bright clothing.
Last week, at the bottom of your timetable I set a 360 challenge, I would love to see the photographs from that activity uploaded to your account.
Remember to record in your packs what you are reading each week. There is also a section on your timetable to record what you have learned each lesson. Please remember to fill this out at the end of every lesson you do.
In your pack this week there are instructions for how to complete the daily spelling activities. If you still need further support with this please contact school and I will be happy to help. There is a list of spellings for you to learn every day and at the end of the week a grown up should test you to see how well you have done.
Also look out for my weekly science challenges, you can find them on your 360 account. Remember if you complete all five there may be a prize at the end.
Your timetable is attached below. As always if you need any help or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.
Look after yourselves and stay safe,
Miss Lee
Week beginning 25th January 2021
Hello again Class 3,
I would just like to say well done for keeping up with your home learning. You are all working so hard.
Last week, at the bottom of your timetable I set a 360 challenge, I would love to see the photographs from that activity uploaded to your account. Your activity this week is to create a 3D Greek Temple, you could use 3D shapes using paper or use some recyclable materials or even Lego. Remember to upload your photos. It has been lovely seeing those of you who are doing extra bits of learning, the photos and videos are amazing.
Reading is also very important please let me know which books you read each week. There is space to do this on your timetable. I have attached some links for you to use if you need access to books. There is a CLPE link which is the reading programme we use in school, the link is videos of authors reading stories. There is also an Oak Academy free virtual library link. There is also a link to the free e-book library from Oxford Owl.
Also look out for my weekly science challenges, you can find them on your 360 account, remember if you complete all five there may be a prize at the end.
Your timetable is attached below. As always if you need any help or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.
Look after yourselves and stay safe,
Miss Lee
Link to CLPE author reads:
Link to Oak Academy Library
Link to Oxford Owl Library
Hello again Class 3,
I hope everything went well with your home learning last week and you managed the activities you were set. Each week I will continue to post the timetable included in your packs to this page so that you have the online learning links. This week there is also a 360 task I would like you to complete, I have uploaded this in the same way we usually do, on your J2E pages. I would love to see some of the activities you have been doing at home so please keep me updated by posting photos to your 360 account. I have really enjoyed seeing what some of you have done so far.
I will be in touch later in the week but in the meantime if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.
Hope to see you all soon.
Miss Lee
Hello Class 3 and Happy New Year to you all, hopefully I will be able to see all of you very soon but in the meantime keep going with your learning it is so important.
Please look at this page regularly and you will be able to see where you can access your child's home learning. Every week I will put up a timetable for you to follow at home. Work packs can be collected from school tomorrow (Monday 11th January) which will have everything you need to access the home learning on the timetable. You then need to complete the work at home and hand it back to school on Friday (15th January) and then collect the following week's work.
If your timetable looks a bit different to the one uploaded on the Class 3 page, that is because your child is following Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 work. If you need to have access to the online version of the timetable then please click on the relevant class page and that will take you to the online version of the timetable you need.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need any help.
The CBBC channel on your television will be streaming live lessons every day. There will also be live "Sing Up" music sessions on Tuesday mornings at 9am with a different artist leading each week just follow this link https://www.youtube.com/singup
Please remember to login to School 360 and if you have any work you want to share with me, you can upload it to your School 360 account.
Stay safe and try your best,
Miss Lee.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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