Welcome to the our website page. Please check this page regularly and you can find out what the Reception Class have been learning about and the fun they have been having.
Reception staff
Miss Caitlin White - Class teacher
Mrs Emma Hargreaves - Classroom Assistant
Please make sure all your child's clothes and belongings are labelled otherwise we will get into a big muddle! Please also make sure that your child has a water bottle, book folder and a coat every day.
PE lessons will be on Monday ('Boogie Beats'), Thursday and Friday (Yoga). On these days your child must come to school in their PE kit.
Library books will be changed on Monday and Friday.
Reading books will be sent home on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
If you have any concerns or questions please talk to one of the Reception staff.
To find out what your child in Reception Class will be learning about, please click the link below, You can see previous planning at the bottom of this class page.
The children are now becoming very good readers and are getting very good at spelling words with
special friends in and four and five letter words independently. The children are working hard to
space the words in their sentences correctly and remember to correctly punctuate their sentences
with a capital letter and a full stop. In Reception Class we are also focussing on making sure all our
letters are correctly formed and correctly positioned on the line. Please practise forming letters
correctly with your child at home.
The children have also been thinking about important it is to look after their teeth and what they
should eat and not eat very much of in order to protect their teeth. The children have talked about
how they look after their teeth and how important brushing properly is. The children have had great
fun brushing a very big set of teeth with a large toothbrush!
The children in Reception Class this week have loved riding their bikes and scooters every day this
week. The Reception and Nursery staff have been so impressed by how confident the children are on
their bikes and scooters. The children have been thinking about the different parts of their bikes
such as the saddle and the spokes. The children have also had to think about riding safely when they
have been zooming around the school yard!
This week the children have also been thinking about staying healthy and what they should eat and
drink to stay healthy. They enjoyed listening to the story, ‘I will not ever never eat a tomato’ by
Lauren Child, all about a little girl called Lola who was very fussy. Lola’s big brother Charlie tricks her
into eating lots of healthy food by pretending they are different, more exciting things. Next week,
the children are going to be planning their own healthy packed lunch.
In number work we have been trying to find the missing numbers in addition calculations. The
children have been using Numicon to try and solve the missing numbers in the calculations. The
children will continue looking at this next week.
The children are now very good at the relay race and working as part of a team. We have also been
learning some new team games and are looking forward to our Sports Day.
The children were all very pleased to see each other after half term and enjoyed telling each other
what they had been up to. The children drew some very detailed pictures about their holiday and
worked hard to write a sentence about their holiday. The children worked really hard to remember
to space their words in their sentence so we did not get in a muddle when we were reading them.
The children have also been working really hard to be able to read and write tricky words such as
‘the’, ‘you’, ‘my’ and ‘to’.
This week we have also started adding sets of objects together. The children are getting very good at
telling the maths stories they can see and are learning to use the right mathematical vocabulary such
as plus, add and equals. The children are also getting very good at making their own mathematical
stories and writing these down using the correct symbols and numbers.
The children have also enjoyed starting to get ready for Sports Day this week. The children have
been practising running in both relay and sprint races. They are working hard together to make their
team wins. The class have also enjoyed yoga outside.
This week the children have been looking after their gardens that they designed and planted last
week. The grass in the gardens has started to grow and the sunflower seeds are getting taller and
taller. We are going to plant the sunflowers outside and hopefully they will thrive and continue to
get taller and flower. The children have been learning about the life cycle of a sunflower and are able
to talk about the sequence of the lifecycle using the right vocabulary.
This week the children have been counting lots of large sets of objects and labelling the sets of
objects with the right number. The children have also been practising making a human numberline.
This is when every child has a number and they have to sort themselves into the right order by
themselves. When they first started this task, it was a bit chaotic but now the children are organised
and are able to organise themselves.
The children are all very good at reading words with ‘special friends’ in such as ‘ay’, ‘ee’, ‘igh’, ‘ow’
and ‘oo’. Try asking your child to read and write words with these special friends in such as play,
sleep. light, snow and food.
The children have been reading a book called ‘The Spell’ and in the story there is a witch called
Stitch. Stitch mixes up lots of spells in her cauldron and on Monday the children wrote their own
spell that they would like to make. The children carefully sounded out the words they wanted to
write and tried hard to remember to space the words in the sentence correctly and punctuate every
sentence correctly.
The children have started looking at the story ‘Errol’s Garden’ by Gillian Hibbs which is about a boy
who lives with his family in a block of flats. Errol does not have a garden and he dreams of one day
having a garden so he can grow lots of different things. The children have thought hard about the
kind of garden they would like and have planned, designed and made their own garden. All the
seeds that the children have planted are all growing well and the children are checking and looking
after them every day.
In maths the children are becoming very familiar with numbers from 10 to 20. They have worked
hard to recognise these numbers and enjoyed trying to work out the numbers that were missing in a
numberline to 20. The children have also worked hard to make sure all their numbers are correctly
formed and the right way around!
This week we have started to count larger sets of objects and next week we are going to count
everything in our classroom!
This week the children began the week thinking about where we live and they learnt about what
country, county and town they live in. The children thought about what they like about where they
live and what makes it special. They drew some beautiful pictures of places they visit in their local
area including the river, bridges and Town Hall. The children did some fantastic writing about where
they live and what they liked. The children love the beaches, the sea and the river. In class we also
looked in particular at Holy Island and loved looking at maps of Holy Island and all the different
features of the island. Every child drew their own map of Holy Island and they were all fantastic! We
are planning a trip to Holy Island next half term and the children are looking forward to going across
the causeway and seeing the castle.
The children were excited to see that the sunflowers seeds had really grown after the weekend and
in class we have also planted some vegetable seeds including carrots and radishes. Every day the
children check their progress and notice any changes that are happening. The children have also
been observing the tadpoles in Nursery and looking for any changes that are happening to them too.
This week we have also worked really hard at looking at numbers beyond 10 and then beyond 20 to
30. The children have been counting sets of objects up to 30 and playing games with each other
using these numbers. The children are now very good at recognising numbers to 20 and have loved
played Bingo with numbers up to 20.
Handwriting has also been a big focus this week and we will continue to work on our handwriting
skills in class next week. The children are working hard to sit their letters on the lines with good
The children in Reception have been learning about the King’s Coronation this week
that is taking place on Saturday. Please ask your child to tell you some of the
interesting facts they have learnt such as the name of the coach and the King’s
dogs. The children have also enjoyed listening to new stories based on King Charles
III especially the stories about his hats and crowns. Our favourite stories have been
‘The King’s Hat’ by Sheila May Bird and ‘The King’s Crown’ by Rose Cobden.
The children have also spent time designing their own crown which they are looking
forward to wearing to the Coronation picnic. The children also worked very hard to
produce some beautiful writing about the King and his coronation. They tried hard to
sound out the words they wanted to write and made sure their writing was in their
best handwriting for the royal occasion. The children also enjoyed a delicious Coronation lunch at school on Friday too. It has been a busy week!
In number work we have continued been looking at doubling numbers to five and the
children are now experts at doubling these numbers. Next week we are going to be
looking at building numbers to 20 and playing lots of number games.
The children in Reception have started looking at plants carefully this week and have
planted some of their own plants in class. The children have been learning about
how to look after plants and are making sure they water the seeds they have planted
every day. We are hoping to grow some vegetables and some beautiful sunflowers.
The children have also been looking at the different parts of a flower and naming
each part correctly. The children also made a flower out of different materials,
making sure each part of the flower appeared in their creation.
The children are enjoying looking at the tadpoles in Nursery and noticing the
changes that are happening. They are looking forward to when the tadpoles start to
grow legs and their tales disappear.
The children have also been trying very hard to improve their handwriting this week.
They have been working hard to form every letter correctly and position the letters
correctly on the lines.
In number work we have been looking at doubling numbers to five and the children
are getting very quick at being able to tell you what a number is doubled. The
children are also getting much better at counting backwards from 20.
Next week, we are going to learn about the King’s Coronation and design some of
our own crowns which the children will wear to the Coronation picnic.
The children were happy to see each other after the holidays and to find out how the
ducks were! Mrs Hargreaves had a very busy first week of the holiday looking after
the ducks and then they moved to a farm on Holy Island, where they happily living
now. The children have seen lots of photos of the ducks in their new home and the
farmer Alison is giving us lots of updates all the time and she thinks the ducks are
made up of three girls and two boys.
The children have been working very hard in maths and have been practicing
counting forwards and backwards from 10 and 20. In maths we have also been
looking at the numbers beyond 10 to 20. The children have been making these
numbers beyond 10 with Numicon and learning to talk about the numbers they have
The children are all working really hard to be able to write sentences independently
using their letter sound knowledge and making sure they space their words as they
write. This is tricky!
Next week, we are going to start planting seeds and learning about how to look after
plants successfully and we will be observing caterpillars and watching them grow
and change.
The children were so happy to see their ducklings on Monday morning and have
been working hard to make sure their cage is clean, cosy and the ducklings are
entertained. The children enjoyed pretending they were ducks in Music lessons and
making sure when they heard the sleepy music they got on their own nests and went
to sleep. When they heard different music tempos they had to imagine what the
ducks would be doing on the farm. The ducklings are off for a holiday with Mrs
Hargreaves and we think they will have grown a lot by the time we return after the
Easter holiday for a visit.
Reception Class also had a visitor from the Union Chain Bridge STEM project this
week and they learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly and made their own butterfly
which had a lever mechanism which made their butterfly wings move. The lady from
the STEM project is coming back after half term to make shadow puppets with the
The children in Reception Class have worked so hard this term and made very good
progress. The staff in Reception are very proud of them all.
Finally the duck eggs have hatched and on Wednesday the Reception Class
became proud parents of two little ducklings and on Thursday two more. The
ducklings have been named Jemima, Waddles, Ernie and Star and they are keeping
us all entertained. The children are doing a very good job of looking after the
ducklings and are making sure they are eating and drinking as well as introducing
them to water to swim in. The children have also learnt some new duck songs this
week with Mrs Stephenson in music and enjoyed pretending to be ducks as they
The children have also had a great week learning about ‘Space’ too and everyone
has enjoyed learning lots of facts about space and learning lots of new vocabulary
including the planet names. The children loved learning about the different planets
and what each planet is like, some are very cold and some are very hot. The children
have also enjoyed making rockets in class and imagining if they were an astronaut
where they would go. On Thursday Finn from The Kielder Observatory, came to talk
to the children about light and the fact that there is invisible light too which we cannot
see. The children then made special bracelets with beads that are able to absorb this
invisible light outside. The children also had the most fantastic time in the
Planetarium and were mesmerized by the stars and the planets that they saw.
In maths we have continued learning about 3D shapes such as a cube, sphere and
cylinder and are much more confident at naming these shapes and talking about
their properties. Next week we are going to be looking again at all the different ways
to make numbers from 5 to 10 and making sure we are counting and recording
The children had a great start to the week by going to visit our local Fire Station. The
children were taken around the Fire Station by Blue Watch and learnt all about what
you have to do to be a firefighter. The children learnt about how the emergency
information comes through to the station from the main control centre in Cramlington.
The control centre also sent the children a message too. The children learnt about all
the different parts of the fire engine and even got to have a ride in the fire engine too.
It was so much fun. There are lots of photos on our class page on the school’s
We are hoping the duck eggs will hatch next week and the children have been
getting everything prepared for their arrival! The children have all been given their
own little duck to name and look after in preparation for next week. The children and
staff have been thinking about what they will need to do to make sure they can look
after the ducklings just like the mother duck would. Fingers crossed for next week!
In maths we have been learning about 3D shapes such as a cube, sphere and
cylinder. The children have been looking at different 3D shapes and looking at their
various properties. The children are learning to name the 3D shapes and are
learning to use the right mathematical language to describe these shapes. Next
week we are going to be learning about patterns and making lots of patterns with
The children in Reception Class have spent the morning at our local Fire Station. We have all learnt so much and have had so much fun!
The children are patiently waiting for the duck eggs to hatch and have been learning
about the lifecycle of a duck. The children have been learning lots of new vocabulary
to describe what is happening in the lifecycle of a duck such as hatching, duckling
and egg tooth. In class we have tried to ‘candle’ the eggs to see whether or not the
ducklings are growing inside the egg. We think they are! The eggs are due to hatch
around the 22nd March and the children (and staff) are very excited.
The children have also been enjoying the story of ‘Brenda’s Boring Egg’. Poor
Brenda the duck, is very sad because she has a very dull egg whilst her friends all
have brightly coloured eggs. However, in the end all the eggs hatch and the
ducklings are all the same. The children have been making some of their own little
ducks using a pompom maker and their creations are gorgeous and very cute.
The children have also painted very beautiful photos of daffodils this week. They
looked carefully at the daffodils and made sure they chose the right colours when
painting their pictures.
In maths we are continuing to work with numbers up to 10 and the children are
getting very good at making these numbers in different ways. The children are also
enjoying playing with the maths games that we are making in class and taking home.
Please remember to bring your child to the Fire Station on Monday morning at 9.10
All the children enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day on Tuesday and learning about
why we celebrate this day. The children all made and wrote a card to a person they
loved and drew a beautiful picture on their card. We hope their families enjoyed
receiving their cards.
This week we have also the children have also been working very hard with the
numbers 6, 7 and 8. The children are good at counting sets of 6, 7 and 8 and have
been looking at different to make these numbers, eg 6 can be made with 4 and 2, 5
and 1, 6 and 0 and 3 and 3. We will continue to look at this after half term too, it is
The children have also made their own word game to play at home. The game is
made up of words with ‘special friends’ in such as fish, sing and think. Place the
cards face down on a surface and take turns to choose a card and if you can read
the word you chose, you win that card. The winner of the game is the person with the
most cards at the end.
The children in Reception have enjoyed meeting the new characters in their new
book, ‘Astro Girl’, the story is about a little girl called Astrid who lives with her mum
and dad and her mum is an astronaut. The children compared their families to
Astrid’s family and drew some very special pictures of their own family. Astrid has big
dreams and the children are enjoying finding out what they are and thinking about
their own dreams and ambitions.
For Mental Health week, the children have been thinking about the activities that
make them happy and feel relaxed. The theme this year for Children’s Mental Health
Week is, 'Let’s Connect’ and they have been thinking of activities they like to do with
their friends to enhance their wellbeing. The children have been collaborating with
their friends to draw pictures together and have had fun doing this. The children also
focussed on their own mental health in yoga and finding ways to relax and be calm.
The children had great fun in ‘Boogie Beats’ this week and they all became
superheroes and they saved the day. The children had to listen carefully to the
superhero story and recreate the story through drama and dance.
In Maths we have started to look at the numbers 6, 7 and 8 and will continue to look
at these numbers in more detail next week. The children are very good at counting
sets of objects up to 8 and are now going to start looking at the composition of these
numbers and find different ways to make 6, 7 and 8.
The Reception children loved meeting the local firefighters on Monday morning and
had great fun using the hose. The children had lots of questions and learnt a great
deal about the firefighter uniform and what you have to do to be a firefighter. We are
hoping to go and visit the Berwick Fire station soon and learn even more.
Reception have also enjoyed learning new songs with Mrs. Stephenson, our music
teacher. Mrs. Stephenson also played ‘Superhero’ music and we danced and sang in
different ways to the music, catching villains and saving innocent people!
This week in maths we have continued to look at the numbers 4 and 5 and are now
getting very good at talking about the composition of these numbers. We have also
enjoyed weighing different objects and deciding which objects are heavier and which
objects are lighter than each other, Next week, we will continue to work with
measure which we are all enjoying.
This week Reception have enjoyed taking part in ‘Superhero Challenges’ against the
clock. They have competed against each other and in teams to see who can
complete the challenges the fastest or who can record the highest score. At times it
has been quite competitive and there are lots of photos of the children completing
the challenges on the website.
The children have continued to think about how to look after the birds and have
designed and made their own bird feeders to hang outside on our tree and other
branches around our playground. The children love watching the birds feed and
learning all the different bird names. The children have also been looking carefully at
the birds they can see and have been noticing similarities and differences. This week
they have made birds from paper and also drawn some very careful pictures of birds.
In maths the children have been working hard with the numbers 4 and 5 and looking
at all the different ways that these numbers can be made. For example 5 can be
made from 3 and 2, 5 and 0 and 4 and 1. Next week we are going to be looking at
how we measure weight and capacity in maths.
Reception Class have enjoyed playing in the snow this week and have been looking
for signs of winter and change outside. The children have noticed how cold it is and
loved finding icicles around the playground and searching for the bulbs growing
slowly out of the ground. The children keep going to check every day to see what
changes they can see and are looking forward to seeing the bulbs flower in the
spring. The children have also been thinking about how they can help feed the birds
in the winter and they have begun to design some bird feeders which they will hang
outside and share with the birds.
The children have also started thinking about superheroes and what makes a
superhero a superhero! They have started to think about if they were a superhero
what would their special power be and what they would do if they had this super
power. Reception Class now have a ‘Superhero Office’ in the classroom and there
are lots of exciting adventures happening in this office.
The children are also working extremely hard to be able to read and write the sounds
we call ‘special friends’, these are ‘sh’, ‘th’, ‘ch’, ‘ng’ and ‘nk’. Please keep practising
these sounds at home with your child.
The children in Reception Class were happy to return to school after their holiday and are already working hard. The children are enjoying taking part in the 'Dough Disco' every morning and warming their hands up to write. The children are now taking home a 'Ditty' to read at home every night and a sentence to practise reading and writing. They are all enjoying reading the 'Ditty' at school and are making very good progress.
This week in Reception this the children carefully wrote their Christmas cards and
collected all the Christmas decorations they have made to take home. The children
were very proud of their creations.
The children were very excited about their Christmas party and decided as a class
which games they were going to play, including pass the parcel and musical chairs.
The children all made crowns for their party and baked Christmas biscuits to share
with each other at the party.
The children are very good at counting accurately in Reception and have been able
to carefully count out the correct ingredients for their special reindeer food which
they have all taken home to sprinkle on Christmas Eve.
The children have been learning to write simple sentences independently,
remembering to leave spaces between the words so that the sentences make sense!
This week in Reception the children enjoyed experiencing the frost and the snow
outside. The children were able to talk about what they noticed outside and the
changes that were happening and what they could feel. It was very cold and they
had to wrap up warm. They described the frost and the snow and noticed that the
ground was hard and they loved walking, running in the snow and trying hard to
make a snowman. Some of the children brought frozen leaves into the classroom
and we noticed what happened to them when they came into the warm classroom.
This week in maths Reception Class have been looking at the concept of one less in
more detail and have been learning lots of number rhymes based around one less.
The children have also been counting lots of Christmas objects accurately and they
are getting very good at accurate counting and recording the number correctly
The children in Reception sang beautifully for their parents on Tuesday and all the
staff in Reception were very proud of them.
Next week the children are going to be putting their final touches on their beautiful
Christmas decorations and writing their messages in their gorgeous Christmas
The children in Reception were so pleased to take delivery of a Christmas tree last
Friday from the Berwick Garden Centre. The children had written a letter asking for a
real tree and they have loved decorating it. The tree will be planted at the end of
term in our grounds and decorated with treats for the birds this winter.
This week in maths Reception Class have been looking at the concept of one more
and one less. The children have found understanding one more a little easier but one
less is proving a little trickier.
The children have started preparing for Christmas and started their week by writing
their very special letter to Santa. The children have also been busy learning about
the Christmas story and practicing their songs in music linked to the Christmas story.
We are looking forward to singing for the parents next week. Christmas cards and
decorations have also been started and they are looking very creative and beautiful.
Next week the children are going to putting their finishing touches to their singing
performance, ‘Whoopsy Daisy Angel’ ready to perform to their parents on Tuesday
13th December. The children are also going to be busy counting Christmas objects
accurately and writing Christmas words.
The children this week have produced some fantastic writing about the sticks they
have created and the adventures they have been on with their sticks. The sticks
have taken the children to the moon, the seaside and even the stars. There are
photos on the website of the children making their sticks and their finished creations.
This week we have focused on concentrating and persevering when the jobs we
have to do are tricky. In particular we have been working hard to form all our letters
correctly. It is so important that the children learn to form their letters correctly at an
early age because bad habits are hard to change!
The children in Reception have been trying hard all week to make shapes with lolly
sticks and straws. They had to think carefully about the properties of every shape
and make sure when they recreated the shape in straws and sticks it was
mathematically correct.
The children are getting very excited in Reception because we are starting to
prepare for Christmas. The classroom now has ‘Santa’s Workshop’ and the children
are busy helping the elves get ready for Christmas. The children are having to sort
the toys, wrap the toys and write the cards. They are very busy!
The children started the week in a bit of a muddle about 2D shape but now they are
turning into shape experts and will continue to develop their 2D shape knowledge
next week. We started the week by going on a 2D shape detective walk and they
looked both inside the school and outside in the grounds for 2D shapes. The children
are getting very good at identifying different 2D shapes and have been working hard
to learn the properties of different shapes and use the correct mathematical
language to describe each shape.
The children have loved reading the book ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley and have
all now designed what they would like their own stick to be. Next week we are going
to make our sticks and are looking forward to take it on their own adventures.
Thank you to all parents in Reception for completing their homework every night, the
children are getting so good at reading simple words themselves and are working
hard to write them correctly too.
The children continue to enjoy Yoga and Boogie Beats each week and over the next
few weeks they are going to have a Christmas theme.
The children have tried so hard this week to write sentences using their letter sound
knowledge to sound out the words they want to write. All the staff in Reception are
so impressed. The children have also tried so hard to try and make sure the letters
they write are correctly formed, this is tricky! Every night the children in Reception
are bringing simple words home to read and write.
The children have also been looking at a new story book called ‘Stanley’s Stck’ by
John Hegley. Stanley finds a stick and takes his stick on lots of adventures. The
children have all found their own stick in the nursery garden and they are hoping
their stick will take them on lots of adventures. Next week, they plan to turn their stick
into something exciting, ideas so far have included a rocket, a fishing rod and a
The children have had great fun making the three primary colours lighter and have
enjoyed adding white to a colour and noticing how the shade of the colour becomes
The children in Reception Class have loved working with Chloe and have produced a beautiful dance together. You can see their beautiful dancing in the videos below.
The children have had great fun in Reception Class this week colour mixing. The
children learnt about which colours are primary colours, red, blue and yellow and
what happens when we mix these primary colours together. Next week, the children
are going to be looking at how we change the shade of a colour. They enjoyed
listening to a story about three white mice who had great fun in pots of primary
coloured paint.
The dancing the children have been doing with Chloe is really coming together and
we are working hard to put it together into a routine that they will be very proud of.
The children have had to listen carefully to the music and learn different moves that
move in time with the music.
This week we have been learning about Remembrance Day and why we stop to
think and be silent on the 11th day, of the 11th month at 11 o’clock. The children
enjoyed learning about why the poppy became a symbol of peace and remembrance
as well as finding out how the poppies are made.
This week in Reception, we have been learning all about bulbs! We looked at a range of bulbs and discussed what they need to grow. We will be planting them around school and in our classroom.
Our learning objective in Maths this week was to identify representations of 1, 2 and 3, comparing
groups of objects in terms of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’. We have been learning to form our letters correctly
and write our names independently. This week, we had a challenge: how many CVC words can we write?
We were also introduced to the first ‘special friend’ - the sound ‘sh’. On Thursday, we looked at how to stay safe on Bonfire Night and why we celebrate it. We also created some lovely artwork.
This week Reception Class have enjoyed learning to use the remote controlled cars
and being able to program the cars to go in the direction that they want them to! The
children were able to navigate the cars around a variety of obstacles and had to think
carefully about how to do this without crashing.
The children are getting more and more confident at using their letter sound
knowledge to read and write simple words. The children are able to Fred Talk the
words and blend the sounds together with increasing independence and it is
fantastic to see. The children are now learning to write these simple words such as
cat, red and tap independently.
In Number work the children have been focusing on the numbers 1, 2 and 3. The
children are able to recognise collections of objects of 1, 2 and 3 without counting
and some children can quickly recognise sets of 4 and 5 too. We encourage the
children to see the amount instantly and we use the phrase, ‘Don’t count, see the
The children have also enjoyed learning and thinking about hedgehogs. They
watched a short film about hedgehogs and learnt new words such as nocturnal and
hibernation to use when talking and learning about hedgehogs. The children also
enjoyed making their own hedgehogs and learning a song about hedgehogs.
Golden Quill Orla
Star Cole
This week Reception Class have been using their fantastic letter sound knowledge to
read and make words using letter cards and magnetic letter boards. They are
becoming experts at Fred Talking and sounding out words they want to write.
Thank you to all the parents for filling their child’s individual Autumn bag with Autumn
finds. The children have enjoyed using their Autumn collections to make creative
Autumn art which they are looking forward to taking home, displaying and talking
The children are enjoying their weekly dance lessons with Chloe and are looking
forward to putting their dance together to share with everybody.
Golden Quill Kyle
Star Ole
This week Reception Class have been thinking and learning about Autumn. The
children have been talking about the changes they are noticing outside and on
Monday we went for an Autumn walk. We noticed that the leaves are changing
colour and some leaves are falling off the trees. The children also learnt lots of new
tree names and discovered some trees are evergreen and some trees are deciduous
and lose their leaves. The children enjoyed collecting some autumn leaves and
berries which they used to make lots of beautiful Autumn pictures which were so
The children are enjoying their weekly music lessons Mrs Stephenson, they are
learning new songs based around Autumn including a song about rain and a song
about a scarecrow. They have also had great fun in Boogie Beats and enjoyed
dancing and singing with a variety of musical instruments. Another busy week in
Golden Quill Oskaras
Star Kevin
This week Reception Class have really enjoyed learning about castles. We have
looked at castles in our local area in particular Holy Island Castle, Alnwick Castle,
Bamburgh Castle and Norham Castle. All the castles looked different but they had a
lot of the same features such as turrets, crenels, merlons, battlements and moats.
The children enjoyed looking at the castles carefully and then they built and drew
their own castles.
This week we have also become expert sorters and are able to talk about how things
are sorted and why we think they are sorted as they are. The children enjoyed
sorting animals, bears and buttons. They looked at things that were the same and
things that were different.
This week the children have also been learning to Fred talk words and this is very
tricky! Please come to Reception next Thursday at 2.45 pm to find out more about
Fred talk and how you can help your child with reading and writing at home.
Golden Quill Olivia
Star George
This week Reception children have been thinking carefully about their bodies. The
children are now very good at naming different parts of their body and have worked
together to make a life size body using lots of different materials. The children have
also been working very hard to recognise all the different Numicon pieces in maths
and put them in the correct order independently. On Wednesday, Reception children
were also very lucky to have special PE lesson with Regan where they had to
problem solve in order to get across the obstacles. The children had a lot of fun.
Please keep practising writing your child’s name at home and going over the letters
taught so far, making sure all the letters are correctly formed.
The children in Reception Class are settling and adapting well in their new class.
This week we started thinking about our topic this half term, ‘All about me’ and we
began by painting our self-portraits. The children looked very carefully at their faces
in mirrors and made sure they used the right colour of paint to recreate their beautiful
faces. The children have also started learning a new letter sound every day and are
trying so hard to form these letters correctly. It is very tricky! Please keep practising
writing your child’s name at home, making sure all the letters are correctly formed.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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